Personal Details

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Second year of Chemical Engineering of Institute Superior T�cnico.
Second year of Conservat�rio Nacional de M�sica

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- 1970 to 1980 worked as maintenance engineer on the research labs of Faculdade de Farm�cia de Lisboa and
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia being on the last one the coordinator of the technical services under the
direction of the professors Huiguinaldo Jos� Chaves das Neves and Herm�nio Duarte Ramos.

- 1980 to 1986 worked as sound engineer of EMI/Valentim de Carvalho's studios.

- In 1982 studied 2 month at Abbey Road studios (London)

- 1986 to 1990 worked as sound engineer and technical director at Namouche studios.
- In 1990 continue the sound engineer and producer activities as freelancer.

More than 150 LP.s recorded as sound engineer, a dozen C.D.'s as producer, and more than 800 live shows as F.O.H. engineer.
4 years of experience on audio post-production.
Is also experienced in the programming languages 680XX Assembler, GFA Basic and Visual Basic.

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In 1964 starts learning electric guitar with a private teacher.

In 1969 starts learning transversal flute in Conservat�rio Nacional de M�sica with the Prof. Luis Hayes Boulton.

In 1971 starts to study harmony.

In 1975 records the single "L� Fora a Cidade" in the musical group "Perspectiva".

In 1976 records the single "Rei morto , Rei Posto" integrating the same group.

In 1977 integrates the group "Banda do Casaco" with whom recorded the albums "Hoje h� conquilhas , amanh� n�o sabemos" ,
"Contos da Barbearia","Nata��o Obrigat�ria" and "Tamb�m Eu", playing electric guitar, acoustic guitar and flute.

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