Virtual Rooms
V. R. Presentation Virtual Rooms download
About us...
Virtual Rooms is a program for Sound Engineers, Musical Producers and advanced Musicians in general.
The program is composed of five sequencers and ten utilities.
Live Seq. - Used in live shows where you want to control by MIDI your mixing and processing , including the surround moves on each song part. You can simultaneously fire waves, MIDI files, MTC, C.D. tracks in each part of the song with a touch of the mouse or of the joystick. You can control a maximum of sixteen processors and four MIDI desks ( ProMix 01, etc... ) at the same time.
Theater Seq. - This sequencer has the same performance of the Live Sequencer but is organized for Theater Shows. The Live Sequencer is organized in songs while the Theater Sequencer is organized in a continuous mode.
Cue-List Seq. - In this sequencer you can write and edit MIDI event sequences to control samplers and desks manually or locked to MTC. Very useful for video and film post-production.
Program Change Seq. - In this sequencer you can record Program Change information in a multi-track recording fashion. Synchronizable with MTC is very useful in audio mixes.
Script Seq. - Used to automate music scripts for broadcasting and correct in real time the announcements with the live performance.
Delay Seq. - Knowing the B.P.M. ( beats per minute ) you can calculate and sequence any musical figure. Very useful for delay processors.
Parabolas - You can calculate the Early Reflections of parabolic rooms related to B.P.M. ( beats per minute ).
B.P:M. - Knowing the B.P.M. the program displays a complete table of duration of musical figures and the corresponding relations to the Golden Ratio values and their conversion to Hertz. Very useful to program any reverb, chorus or delay machine.
Song Calculations - Converts bars and song duration to B.P.M.
Timecode Calculations - Adds and subtracts Timecode values
Tempo Calculations - Converts Bars and B.P.M. to Timecode values.
Reverb Calculations - Analyses a room ( given the RT60 Values ) and calculates the effect of the absorbers ( RT60 ) in complex shaped rooms. Very useful for room acoustics correction.
MIDI Analyzer - Analyses all the incoming MIDI events and writes the result in a list box.
MIDI Dump - Dumps In ( MIDI to File ) and Out ( File to MIDI ) any system exclusive set of messages.
Human-Clock - Measures the B.P.M. ( beats per minute ) of a music by tapping a key. Is also a very high precision metronome with MIDI output capabilities.
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